I made my first stew of the season:
I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say if it turned out alright. It actually kind of looks like throw up...but whatever.
EDIT: It is now 10:37 PM. The stew's been doing its thing for ~4 hours. It tastes marvelous. You all are welcome to Rexburg to sample my wares.
I'm also in the process of making a bunch of mini gingersnaps. They're each about 1 inch wide. Tomorrow is our Colonial Fair at the elementary school, so I'm making gingersnaps (I guess they ate those back in the day?) and I bought 25 lbs. of clay with which to make dice and marbles.
I still have a ton of dough so there's going to be a lot more.
I made dice at the colonial fair in 3rd grade! The dice were all misshapen and terrible, but it thought it was so cool. And I also got to dip my own candles.
And that stew does kind of look like throw-up.
So we are trying to eat more vegetarian meals and they tend to look a lot like your stew. Also, good job teaching young kids to gamble under the guise of History.
bring the recipe to Logan and we can make it! (We can make all sort of yummy foods!) (And play dice!)
Man, oh man, there are little tears in my eyes, seeing that you made soup that looks kind of healthy, and apparently tastes yummy. A proud Mom moment.....
Man, way to go!
Uh, in case the really generic comment I just left doesn't fully convey this, I am for reals impressed.
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